Our Lifesaving Statistics

Our lifesaving percentage* is: 87.9%
*Our lifesaving percentage is calculated using ASPCA's Annual Live Release Rate which is calculated by dividing total live outcomes by total intake.
Our shelter is committed to saving every animal in our care who can be saved. We do not end the life of healthy or treatable pets even at an owner's request. We only euthanize a pet if:
A veterinarian has assessed that there is no chance of recovering an acceptable quality of life, or
It would be clearly inhumane or unsafe not to do so immediately, or
In cases of irremediable canine aggression when (1) a veterinarian has eliminated medical treatment as a solution; (2) rehabilitation by a specialist in canine behavior has failed; and (3) staff and public safety cannot be reasonably assured, or other management protocols seriously compromise quality of life.