Junior Volunteer Summer Program
Calling all animal lovers, ages twelve (12) to fifteen (15)!
Applications are now available for the 2023 Junior Volunteer Program! The program runs Tuesday, June 13th to Friday, August 4th. The application deadline is April 1st.
This program is for volunteers ages 12-15 that want to learn how to make a difference in animal lives! They will learn what it means to take care of our wonderful shelter animals, while having fun with our many Humane Education workshops and team building activities. If your child would like to be a part of this program fill out the application above and send to volunteer@apl-shelter.org or drop off at the shelter any day from 8:30-11 or 12-5.​
Some information on the program:
The program kicks off Saturday, June 10th, 2023 with a cookout for JVs, their parents, JV Mentors, JV Leads, and APL Staff.
There will be an Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, August 9th, 2023.
Volunteers will participate two (2) days per week Tuesday through Friday from 8:30am to 12:30pm.
There will be several fundraisers throughout the summer. JVs are required to participate in at least two. These fundraisers are on Saturdays, additional information will be provided after acceptance into the program.
You must be 12-15 years old ON Tuesday, June 13th, 2023 to participate in this program. JVs who turn 16 during the program will be accepted.
When you submit this application, you must also turn in one supporting projects - either an art project or essay - Don't stress! Get creative!
SPACE IS LIMITED. This is APL’s eleventh year offering the summer Junior Volunteer Program. While the program has grown each year, unfortunately our building size has not. We must limit the program to 30-40 participants. Applying, even by the April 1st deadline, does NOT guarantee your participation in this program. Having participated in the JV program in previous years does NOT guarantee your participation this year. If APL receives more applicants than we can accommodate, JVs will be accepted in the order COMPLETE applications were received. Make sure you send in your application in as soon as possible!
If you are accepted into the program, you will be required to attend an orientation with one parent or legal guardian. There will be several dates to choose from. You will receive acceptance information by May 5th, 2023.
ALL PROGRAM FEES WILL BE DUE AT ORIENTATION (dates TBD). This $95 fee includes t-shirt(s), name badge and helps to purchase additional supplies needed. DO NOT SUBMIT THIS FEE WITH YOUR APPLICATION.
If the program fee would create a financial hardship for your family, please reach out to Mary, APL’s Volunteer Coordinator at (217) 544-7387 x227 or volunteer@apl-shelter.org about financial aid options.